A little more about me...

How did I get here?

My own personal journey has seen its fair share of twists and turns. I’m sure we can all relate to that? You're expecting life to go a certain way, or you expect to feel capable and in control at all time, and instead you find yourself in a world you could never have imagined, a world in which you feel you can't live up to expectations or you constantly doubt your abilities through all the twists and turns that life has brought your way.

Those twists and turns however, were also the circumstances that when I gave myself the time and space to process, to understand my own feelings, to understand my own dreams, accept each twist for what they were and congratulate myself for how far I'd come, taught me so much about who I am at my core - and that person was brave, resilient, determined and absolutely had the power to make choices that benefited my own career, relationships and wellbeing in whatever circumstance or change period I found myself in. 

I learnt to let go of the expectations of those around me. 

I learnt that for me, being content is when I am truly able to be myself unapologetically and without compromise, that my peace came from embracing who I was created to be and not carrying the world on my shoulders. 

All this has set my heart on fire to support others in their journey and help them thrive. So where is your journey taking you? 

Take the first step, get in touch and let’s book in a free discovery call!